Neville Goddard & Wayne Dyer

Relax and Improve Your Body, Mind & Spirit Through Mindfulness

Relax and Improve Your Body, Mind & Spirit Through Mindfulness

Read about the profound impact that Neville Goddard had on Wayne Dyer. Dr Dyer's book, Wishes Fulfilled, is based on the teachings of this wise and gentle Law of Attraction master.

You can find out more about Neville through his books, stories and lectures. You also have access to his audio lecturesquotes and information about Neville's teacher, Abdullah.

Neville's Influence on Wayne Dyer

Wishes Fulfilled is based around the teachings of Neville Goddard.

Wayne said that he read Neville's book The Power of Awareness seven times. He quoted the final chapter of this book in his Wishes Fulfilled Television Documentary: 

In all creation, in all eternity, in all the realms of your infinite being the most wonderful fact is that which is stressed in the first chapter of this book. You are God. You are the "I am that I am." You are consciousness. You are the creator.

This is the mystery, this is the great secret known by the seers, prophets, and mystics throughout the ages. This is the truth that you can never know intellectually.

Wishes Fulfilled Documentary

During his lecture on Wishes FulfilledWayne talked about his "incurable" leukemia diagnosis. He said that he maintained a feeling of himself as being well. He continually felt and said the words "I AM WELL."

He referred to Neville's words below when talking about the ways in which he cured himself of the "incurable."

Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact disregard all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you already are what you want to be. For in that determined assumption, you and your infinite being are merged in creative unity. And with your infinite being (God) all things are possible. 

Wayne went on to say "God never fails and YOU are a piece of that which never fails."

Therefore to incarnate a new and a greater value of yourself you must assume that you already are what you want to be and then live by faith in this assumption.

You can listen to the top 30 minutes of Wayne's lecture below.

Wayne's Favorite Quote

Below is one of Wayne's favorite quotes from Neville's book The Power of Awareness.

I have broken up each sentence, line by line, so you can really grasp the meaning of what Neville is saying.

That which you feel yourself to be - you are.

And you are given that which you are.

So assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your wish and your wish must be realized.

So live in the feeling of being the one you want to be and that you shall be.

Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature, it must be expressed.

Your feelings are different from your thoughts. Your feelings are what you experience in your body, the dominant of two feelings is the one expressed.

It is very obvious, when listening to Wayne and reading his works, that he was influenced significantly by many great men and women, I would say none more so then Neville Goddard.

Wayne had a knack of being able to put Neville's words into everyday terms. He used Neville's works in his own life and passed on their meaning to people who otherwise may never have had the opportunity to hear or understand them.

Wayne was a living, breathing example of one who took the works of Neville, added his own unique qualities, and went to work to create a magnificent life.

He kept this quote of Neville's beside his bed.

Make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

It certainly looked like Wayne Dyer took that quote to heart - he was an inspiration to millions.

Law of Attraction Books

Read these best-selling Law of Attraction Books.

Neville Goddard Books

My wish for you, in reading Neville Goddard's books, is that your life will be enriched beyond your most magnificent dreams.

As Neville said, "dream better than the best you know."

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Neville Goddard Lectures

When asked if people could purchase tapes of his lectures, Neville said "I have no tapes. Others here are making tapes for their own use. Perfectly all right. But I have no tapes."

There is tremendous gratitude for those who attended Neville's lectures, recorded and preserved them.

However, the lions share of appreciation goes to Neville Goddard who allowed people to record his lectures and to pass them on to others.

Neville Goddard Stories

Enjoy these real life stories excerpted from books and lectures by Neville Goddard.

1. A Doctor and his wife get an apartment with no money...

2. This divorcee manifested a new car with little money...

3. A family imagined sleeping in their new home until it was theirs...

4. A family bought a home that realtors said didn't exist...

5. This woman attracted a new home and a new husband...

6. This woman married the man of her dreams...

7. A Negro man blasted the boundaries created by his skin color...

8. This woman bought a new home by the ocean...

9. This man became an outrigger canoe world champion...

More from Neville Goddard

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